@tweetspraylove's timeline on Twitter
I’m so sorry, I’m all fresh out of your mom. :/Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Shhhhhh. I'm fucking trying to meditate.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If I could do stuff over I'd give myself a way cool street name and probably wouldn't have fucked douchebag Chad that one time...Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
#howifoundoutaboutonedirection When the police pulled me over for driving the wrong way, on a one way street in downtown Detroit.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand -
Turn over, baby. I wanna show you what I learned on Twitter.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
338. She stopped her crying / after forty days and nights / then opened the door
#haiku http://tmblr.co/Zg4F2vmgwXhxRetweeted by Damp PamphletView photo -
I can't hug you, kiss you or make it better. But I can retweet the FUCK out of you. <3Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
'I don't think there's a place where people understand loneliness more than here.'Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Heard gary busey's donating his teeth to a needy inuit family to rebuild their igloo after an unfortunate whale grease fire.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Just over here, maintaining my dragononymity.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
tinsel hair & a robotic emerald eye catching creepers as they tried 2 undress her with their mortal eyes her giggles turned them into fliesRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You know that whiny version of me? Yeah, I fucked her.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I've emptied countless bottles, hoping to find the meaning of life at the bottom of one of them. No luck so far. But I'm no quitter.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I tried to force a tweet and sharted :/Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Dude, you should totally scroll up and talk to her.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
My attitude is based on the way you treat me. ~ UnknownRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Updates suck as a general rule.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
It all went to hell when attacking what we hate became more important than defending what we love.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Sometimes i forget how to spell a word so i re-word the whole tweet just to avoid using that word.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If there were a college course on the theological implications of flossing, I'd take it.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You could always tell who the biggest asshole on the block is.. By the number of giant "pinwheels" he has spinning on his front lawn.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
it was a throw my bra on the floor, go to pick it up and step on one end, try to stand up only to stumble, then hit the wall kind of nightRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Other cookies I don't like because they remind me of something unpleasant. Madeleines, for example, remind me I haven't read Proust.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Twitter: A Lovely Place Where All Your Troubles Can Be Washed Away With Jokes About Your Genitals.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
ℒℴѵℯ is my name. ℒℴѵℯ is You. And ℒℴѵℯ is all we ever need. #ℒℴѵℯRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The difference between a cult and an accepted religion is something twitterers understand...the number of followers.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I just woke up. Don't remember lying down. I've really got to take up drinking to match my life skills.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm at my sexiest when I trip over a big pile of NOTHING in the middle of a hotel lobby full of people. Come...And...GET IT FELLAS! Fellas?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If I don't alienate someone on a social media site then it's been a slow week.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
273. What humanity? / When we are nothing except / broken little gods
#haikuRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand -
Every family in every Christmas movie owns a $300,000 home & is free from poverty, abuse, & addiction. That's so relatable.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Tried being delicate by using a metaphor, when she asked me how I felt. I said, “You have as many hang-ups as a rookie telemarketer.”
#tbot -
Life’s not always fair. Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow. ~ Cherralea Morgen ♥Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Shrink says seeing Bruce Lee beat shit out of Chuck Norris in Return of the Dragon movie for 92 years is unhealthy. So, I'm good.
#ftwot -
What if apples don't actually float and they're just treading water to avoid the Barrel Beast?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Haven't lost my temper at the office all month. Granted, I was out on vacation for 2 weeks, but still.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
True power is not feeling the need to belong to any clique, organization, or social circle. True power is independence.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The whole building knows when I'm shaving the poony because the smoke alarm goes off.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I love being asked to do stuff I'm in no way qualified for. Like talk to people.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
At Bed Bath and Beyond shopping with my mom. When we got to the bedding, she said that she forgot they had that here. It's in the name...Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
That guy that has been telling everyone they "don't know shit" turned out to be a highly respected excrementologist. That shut me up.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
there's not going to be a better time to throw away the beansRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Wasted an hour unsuccessfully comparing apples with oranges. Even tried googling how. Nope. Story of my life. Outsmarted by fruit.
#tbot -
My fruit punchline’s straight like a puddle & isn’t funny or nutritious. But, it’s made with sugar, not corn syrup. So, there’s that.
#tbot -
"I don't think this is going to work out," I told him.* *guy at gym who brought in his blow-up doll that he thought was getting fat
#tbot -
I heard that the hillbilly Mob-speak I came across earlier in the Pennsylvania boonies was courtesy of the Poconostra. Crazy.
#tbot -
I'm officially stuck. The one day I pull my head out of my ass ..& stuck. My head's in one dimension.. Rest of me's in another.
#tbot -
I vow to use the term 'aspiration minimalism' at least 3 times today. Long live Kanye. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/arts/music/kanye-west-talks-about-his-career-and-album-yeezus.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 …Retweeted by Damp PamphletView summary
*puts music on* *turns lights down low* *imagines world without stupid people*Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'll probably end up like that Guy with 32.5k followers who gets one star tweets but without all the followers.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Tripped going up the stairs cuz even the slightest physical activity confuses my bodyRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I've watched twitter and I've seen what can happen if you replace the cute monkey avi with the real you too early .. .Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I love hockey because it reminds me of Canucks. Which reminds me of soccer moms. . Or as I affectionately call them: Minivan Cougars
#tbot -
Lab guy broke up 'Me vs. the Monkeys' morning shit fight. "Poop! You can't handle the poop!" Not sure what his fucking problem is.
#tbot -
Just so you know for next time, “With what wit?” is the wrong reply when I tell you of my plan to save the world using my superpower.
#tbot -
Damn Typos and Auto-Incorrect and the government and incorrectly battered fish.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Are these targeted Twitter ads, or is everyone getting Oscar Mayer pimping their pork with glaring regularity?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Now, back up there for just a second, Jack. What do you mean, "Guys don't have to wipe after peeing"? Are they wizards? Do they towel off?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Ol’ Dirty Bastard swims with the fishes & Jessica Simpson’s favorite chicken, Sea Charlie, wears his teeth in an Autotuna commercial.
#tbot -
Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. - Albert EinsteinRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If a boy with a lisp has a thin girlfriend who is pretty as a doll, does that make her a dolphin?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Big giant vagina squids. They'll get you.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm sure there's more, but I'm happy with that for a start.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Let me check my priorities: People before machines; Children & aged before us; Beauty before pretty; Listen to the hurt; Be kind & play niceRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
“The past has no power over the present moment.” ― Eckhart Tolle ♥Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
What do rich people take vacations from, their maids?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
dear everybody behind me, fuck your stupid headlights. love, cRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I dress up like a pirate & walk into a bar but instead of a parrot, I got a cat on my shoulder. And we both ignore youRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
iPads for dogs. It would be very interesting to see what's in their bowser history. And if they begin to take longer to do their business.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I didn't pay my bill & they cut off the line.So I've been absent for a week.For some ppl here that is 1 of the 7 cardinal sins.I understand.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I’m not sendin'sub tweets.I’m a misunderstood person,like Donald Trump.....The man just tryin'to fix a rockabilly haircut with the wrong wayRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm sorry if my tweet offended you. You can always delete the tweet by hitting the circular arrows at the bottom.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I openly support tweets that don't make a whole lot of sense.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Walking on eggshells is easy. Tiptoeing around crazy… Now that takes talent.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I dreamt I was in a comma, it was a deep, dreary event. I was in fact, between 2 complete sentences. Friggin horrible.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
....but what if I don't want to be Batman?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
the police men and women whom I most admire are the ones who are not currently behind me...Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Clearly my brain cannot control my thumbs at the moment. "Put the Twitter machine down!"Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Smooth Jazz is a safe, non-chemically based laxative that people of all ages can listen to.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The older I get the more deep breaths it takes to trim my toe nails.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Dear all drivers of the world, Blinker before brake. Say it with me. "Blinker BEFORE brake." Blinker, then brake. BLINK BLINK BLINK, BRAKE.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
One day I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. So I broke the mirror.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” ― Jim Morrison ♥Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Phil Collins has skills like him or not. Ninja skills nunchuck skills.... No, really.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Playing no pressure really slow Sambas at a lunatic asylum sounds fun. I could jam in the corner while they walk in circles & do puzzles.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Twitter is like camping. The middle of nowhere you accept your surroundings. Make do with what you have. Start a fire, get warm. Or go home.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
My new invention, the Rayzunator, is a weapon that transmogrifies people into raisins. It comes with an orangutan to eat the people-raisins,Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
No one should ever have to deliver to a man without pants, yet here I am...Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
THINGS I MIGHT BE ACCUSED OF BEING Mediocre shitzhu wrangler. Shitzhu diapering champ. Ability to squirt shitzhus with water from 12 ft awayRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm not a leader or a follower . I'm a leadower . ( drunk making up words )Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I got an allergy shot in the ass and the nurse that did it, the same one from last year, didn't recognize me or my butt. Time for a tattoo.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Sent a tweet & thought 'oh God I hope I spelled semen correctly' and really, I think that sums up Twitter in a nutshellRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
all this time I thought Ph balanced meant your party hat was on straightRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Fast food places should have a 3rd window to exchange stuff they gave you wrong at the second window.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
As I get older my Wonder Woman envy is less the outfit and more about needing the Lasso of Truth for liars and her jet to bypass traffic.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I was going to live tweet this Tom & Jerry cartoon where a deranged monkey painter caused a zoo panic by painting Tom as a tiger, but nah.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I unfollowed you because you're kind of a meanie and now I feel bad because maybe something bad happened to you and you just need some love.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
It wasn't until he saw a boat full of animals that God realized some asshole left the water running.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
travel the trails until you see goodness sincerity kindness. if you don't see it yet keep going. keep going and keep going and keep goingRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
"Freeze or I'll waste you!" - Me to TimeRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The media is only brainwashing the people who can afford cable and watch the news. So, 90% of people under 35 are safe.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Some twitter celebrities I find them really adorable cuz they remind me one of my xGF She’s never alone & she’s always lonelyRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm not scared of a "paraben" you fucking hippy, I have real problems.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If I was on LOST I would never leave the island because bills and ex husbands and shit.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I hate when a guy ruins my new shirt by sticking his hands and his face inside while I'm trying to write this fucking tweet.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
have you a hand with which to pet me? o.ORetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I have a soft spot for the absurd ones here.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
It's a peculiar theology, but I believe one day I'll be reunited with all my lost tweets.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Thanks guys.. you're the best ♥ “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ― Mother TeresaRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Oh whomever. I'll jest continues yelling THAT'S NOT MY NAME @ anypeople what tries to talk to me. Who said wraithDemon7L das just meen. FairRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Got some time off. Told myself I will not be glued to twitter. Slept in late and here I am.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Well thanks for explaining the spring solace to me. Now tell me Copernicus, when the fuck does short shorts season start?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You guys told me to cut loose the soul-sucking people in my life so I did but they keep ringing the doorbell and yelling "Mommy, let us in."Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
i kissd a prince he became frog 'das waat im talkin bout' say iRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I think my 15 min. lecture on the economic basis for the Civil War deflected attention from me tearing up when Lincoln died. Oops - spoiler.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
a hallelujah always on the inside. for trees. for mud. for sky. for kids crossing the street. for the dude at 7/11. an always hallelujahRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I have this bad habit of bursting into strange little churches on Sunday and accusing them of heresy.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
This is bullshit, Pixar. I watch the entire movie, and I still don't know how to train my dragon. It's pissing all over my couchRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
*This is not a tweet* Just thought you could use some eye candy in your TL. Just paying it forward, people.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Who wants to come and do this fucking laundry with me? I blow job.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Mastering the art of looking at people faces and not hearing a word.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Wore shorts for the first time this season. My legs are so white they discussed Downton Abbey today.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Ok guys, enough with the zero star tweets.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
My band is just me singing off-key & banging discordantly on an electric chord-organ. We're called "pretty or not, here I come."Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
She has: husband, kids, loving dog, and huge house I have:3 booty calls,a bag of weed, and a ranch stain on my pants Not sure who's winning.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Pay no attention here. It's just us chickens.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Gotta smoke up and get into scooping horse poop frame of mind.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
It's MY garden. Those squirrels are OUT of luck! Narrows eyes* Gardens, are NO place for your nuts! What? Wait. Thinks* Whatever. Send.*Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
What do I want? Let's see. A man, with common sense. What? Oh. Well. Okay. Scratch that. I give up. No! NO,no. I'll just be happy instead.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Twitter ~ Where no one knows what the fuck's going on and everyone's happy with that.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I always stop the microwave at 1 second. Just in case.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Sometimes sarcasm is scarey and hard to grasp...*pats your head softly*Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
flailing about like a chicken in the windRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Its a weird wake up call when you realize your chihuahua has more outfits then you doRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
It was the best of timelines. It was the worst of timelines.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The secret to Twitter is having at least one person on your TL to appreciate & RT what you're articulating.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
OK you can start loving me from the very depths of your soul anytime now. It'll be fun. I'll dance and make bacon.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
My wife says I only go to Hooters for the sexy waitresses. She doesn't believe me when I tell her I enjoy the food at their breastaurants.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Can't even catch up with how much we don't care right now.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Is that a cupcake in your pocket, or are you going to have to go back out and get me one?Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
In the dark on a bus with a rainbow.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You guys need to stop pretending dave matthews is good. We've let him believe it for long enough.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Our week on Twitter: What? Read our fucking Tweets...add headaches, crying, Gin, anger, mouthiness, more anger, irritation, more Gin. Done.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
No two Vaginas are the same! And I aim to prove it one Vagina at a time! Unless they're twins, then Two vaginas at a time!Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'm single because monogamy. It's not my thing.Nobody's asked to be monogamous with me but whatever.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I’m in the mood to RT all kinds of stupid shit.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I don't care if you call me dinosaur.Because dinosaurs was the last kind of animals who they did anything they wanted,any time they wanted.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Nothing tastes as good as your shut the fuck up feels.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I used to be sane but then I took an arrow to the kneeRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Dog training: who would have thought? It's dogs training owners to encourage trainers to train owners to believe they're in chargeRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
No. No no no.. Umm.. Nope. No! Oh good God no!! No. No.. And .. No. Me thinking of tweets while driving.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Canadian insult: Your mother is a wonderful lady. However, and pardon me for saying this, her fellatio could be a little more enthusiastic.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
That cheerful moment when you realize you're actually a pretty good guy compared to some of these other bastards.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
1988, Attention All Reptiles, auditions for The Ninja Mutants is in sound stage B. Tortoise: "what did he say sonny." Turtle: "SOUNDSTAGE A"Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I want to live in the "Hallmark Channel".Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
if you love someone squeeze them so tight the grocery store manager comesRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
24 hour convenience stores are a lot like vaginas. They're always open and there's always something you want in it.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You guys know that we live with these boobs and asses, right? *tease tweet*Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Once I stood in front of a red bricked house and left when someone threw a brick-full of weird glances.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
This could be the beginning of a beautiful restraining order.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I like how Domino's tells me who made my pizza because I like to know exactly whose balls I'm tasting.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Don't give them the power to waste your energy.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I just burped after four slices of pizza. FOUR. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PIZZAS JESUS ATE BEFORE HE BURPED?! 81. EIGHTY. ONE. READ A BIBLE.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
If you wanna change the world you better bring enough wipes. That shit is caked on mighty thick.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I'll believe in joggers when they master the smile and run.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You want to start slinging emoticons? Bring it. I will smiley face the shit outta you.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Cat fight in the copy room! Please send popcorn.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The reason why so many of you aren't getting laid is because you have to give a fuck before you get a fuck.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
2 out of 5 people who trusted me to do their taxes are stupid. According to the IRS.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
"Question 567: Would you describe the ensuing shit tsunami as a) pleasant b) tolerable or c) indescribably cool?"Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
I would watch a movie that had Antarctica a whale a cabin and pancakes. Like they just eat pancakes all day then go look for the whale.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
"Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different." – Katherine Mansfield ♥Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Just cleaned my entire house including carpets because my twitter addiction isn't as bad as or as gross as yours.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
The voices in my head are usually having sex & sometimes they let me watch. I asked once why the ball gag was so big, but they ignored me.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Before I die, I hope I have legitimately uttered the phrase, ”Please, sir, you are standing on my cape” atleast once.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
show me on the measuring cup how much i'm allowed to love youRetweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Judging by my own experience, twitter is more fun once you stop looking for vaginas and start looking for friends.Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
You know that shit you heard that can ruin your whole day? Fuck that shit :)Retweeted by Damp PamphletExpand
Hi, Twitter. Before we get started, I'm going to need you to sign this waiver, and turn down your radio. Thanks. Also: Lose the hat. :)
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 3:27 PM
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